
Data-Driven Marketing Agency

We help Brands in achieving a 18% market share, and generating billions of sales through data-driven marketing strategies, and visual creative that converts.

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127+ Brands Working with Us

Outperform the Market,
Scale up Your Brand

Bithour Production bukan hanya Production House dan Marketing Agency. Kami adalah partner bagi Brand – brand yang ingin scale up ke next level. Dengan pengalaman 127+ brand di industry Beauty, FMCG, Tech Electronics, Apps dan berbagai industry lainnya. Let’s achive ROI together!

Outperform The Market, Scale Up Your Brand

Bithour Production bukan hanya Production House dan Marketing Agency. Kami adalah partner bagi Brand – Brand yang ingin scale up ke next level. Dengan pengalaman 127+ Brands di industry Beauty, FMCG, Tech, Electronics, Apps, Home Appliances, dan berbagai industry lainnya. Let’s achive the ROI together!

270+ Projects

Mulai dari video iklan, viral campaign, KOL, Social Media, hingga Leads Generation.

127+ Brands

Mulai dari Brand baru hingga Blue Chip Brand, kami bantu mereka achive ROI.

Data Driven

Bukan asal kreatif, kami memastikan setiap ide bisa stick di kepala audience dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan hasilnya.

Formula Terbaik Kami untuk Sales Brand Kamu

Emang ada agency yang sediain Brand Analyst untuk riset, bikinin strategi sampe siapin data kompetitor personalized ke Brand kamu. Cuman di Bithour kamu dapetin formula campaign marketing yang ngebuka potensi growth sales Brandmu gratis.

Cocok untuk Brand yang mau tingkatin 3X sales dalam hitungan hari, launching produk, hingga ekspansi market up to 18% market share.

Cocok untuk Brand yang mau launching produk ataupun jadi top of mind. Visual production data-driven Bithour bikin Brandmu stand out, anti skip, dan customermu auto chekout. 

Perluas pasar dengan mitra bisnis yang cepat deal. Formula Bithour bantu kamu dapetin ratusan CEO, Manager, Dealer, Reseller, Agen, hingga Distributor besar.

Bukan sekedar buatin konten yang sesuai Branding, tapi kita bantu convert followersmu sampai chekout. Masalah engagement dan followers kecil sekejap hilang. 

Kenapa Brands Memilih Bithour?

270+ Projects

Mulai dari video digital, TVC, shortfilm, webseries, music video, 3D, 2D, semuanya sudah pernah kita tanganin. Life becomes much easier kamu ga perlu khawatir sama hal teknis. Production team kita kerjain dari 0 sampai ROI!

Unlimited Storyboard

Tanpa harus habisin waktu untuk pitch ke banyak agency, Bithour kasih opsi cerita dari berbagai sutradara iklan + storyboardnya unlimited. Cukup ceritain objektif dan goals Brandmu maka kita buatin storyboardnya tanpa kontrak tanpa bayar!

Data Driven Marketing

Bukan asal kreatif. Kita provide market hingga competitor research. Memastikan setiap kreatif yang keluar adalah ide iklan yang stick di kepala audience, unskippable, dan pastinya convert to sales!

77+ Ads Director

Satu-satunya agency di Indonesia yang memiliki 77+ creative ads Directors membuat penawaran opsi kreatif brand lebih luas, budget lebih variatif untuk management, dan tentunya dengan Brand message yang tetap on-point!

Our Works Our Works Our Works


Sebagai Brand yang berada di niche market, Agatis ingin menjadi top of mind. Sebagai solusi, Kami memilih viral campaign untuk meningkatkan visibilitas sehingga stick di kepala audience. Hasilnya, Agatis trending di Twitter selama 2 hari berturut – turut dengan total 40+JT views, dan berhasil masuk 35+ book store.


Berada di market besar, Flip membutuhkan penambahan download aplikasi untuk cepat di ingat audience. Kami memilih video iklan untuk menyampaikan USP Flip lewat campaign #LebihDariItu, dan berhasil mendapatkan total 6,2Jt views, dan penambahan 47% download aplikasi


Visual, KOL, Brand Ambassador, sampe Leads Generation yang dapetin ratusan mitra bisnis jadi kunci sukses Gree ekspansi di Indonesia karena deal dengan 25 toko elektronik setiap bulannya. 


Sebagai Brand baru di industry kecantikan, Saviosa belum memiliki Brand Positioning yang kuat. Melalui riset, kami membantu Saviosa membuat strategi Branding, dan key visual. Saviosa sukses membangun Brand Positioning yang digunakan di seluruh social media dan strategi marketing.

Our Director's Clients

Our Clients

Kata Mereka tentang Bithour


Dari riset, konten, sampe delivery bagian B2Bnya Bithour aturin untuk kita, tapi juga open for our internal insights. ROI quarter sampai 9X, keep up the good work!

Production House yang membantu LOFE scale up penjualan


Marketing Director

Beneran Viral

Pas kita sampaikan keresahan kita. Bithour berikan solusi untuk viral, dengan beneran viral hingga sekarang pensil kita bisa ada di 52+ outlets Gramedia dan toko - toko buku di Indonesia

Bithour Production. membantu Agatis menjalankan viral marketing


Brand Manager

Ide Data Driven

setiap launching produk sampai dengan maintenence kita bareng Bithour, idenya yang data driven buat peluang kita bisa sampai salah satu top lead market share di brand AC

Bithour Production membantu Gree membuat video iklan, hingga short movie yang stick dikepala


Brand Manager

Eksekusi Rapi

Ketika kita launching new brand, concern kita adalah ga ada yang mau ambil barang kita, tapi Bithour bantu tenangin lewat eksekusi yang rapi dan komunikatif. Sekarang brand kita pun bisa fokus ke scaling

Bithour Production. Membantu Byur-byur dalam eksekusi yang rapi


Business Owner

Bithour Production sebagai production house membantu Gojek membuat TVC yang engaging, dan high ctr

Founder Notes

As a marketer, we understand that every decision you need to make should be data-driven, not just creative, for it to convey how it can solve the audience’s pain points. In addition, a growth in market share and reaching ROI while also maintaining the company’s stability is also as important. This is why we also provide a brand club that keeps you up-to-date with the latest trend and insight from other brands that are experts in their field

By these, I am grateful that Bithour has served numerous satisfied clients,
and I hope you can be the next.

Deodatus Utomo

CEO of Bithour Production

Bithour Production sebagai production house membantu Wall's membuat TVC yang engaging, dan high ctr
production house Jakarta production house production house di Indonesia


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Explore our showcase videos

We work with top brands across verticals to create high-performance ads.

Full Services Untuk Bikin Brand Kamu Jadi Market Lead

Optimalkan Brand kamu menjadi market leader dengan full services dari kami yang selalu kami berikan dan terbukti sukses kepada 100+ campaign blue chip.

Menjual tanpa menjual adalah keunggulan dari video iklan. Ini akan membuat audience brand kamu dengan mudah membeli produk tanpa perlu berpikir lama, dan membawa brand kamu menjadi market leader.

Menurut data ada lebih dari 1 miliar pencarian setiap harinya. Bayangin brand kamu dapet 20% leads dari total tersebut. Penjualan meningkat, dan brand kamu akan mengusai semua digital channel.

Hubspot membuktikan brand yang menjalankan 360 marketing berhasil meningkatkan penjualan sebesar 25%. Bayangkan brand kamu menjalankan strategi ini,  Brand kamu akan bertumbuh lebih cepat dan mendapatkan ROI jauh lebih besar dari sebelumnya.

From nothing to everything. Dengan total167 juta pengguna social media, ini merupakan cara paling ampuh untuk boost ROI dengan creative data driven strategy dari Bithour

Bagaimana Kami Tahu, Kami Sukses?

Some of Our Case Studies.

Our Happy Client


5 Proses Dari Kita Untuk Naikin Sales Brand Kamu

Our Process



Kamu bebas cerita apa aja permasalahan brand kamu, kita siap dengerin untuk kita berikan solusinya.


A to z Research

Brand kamu bakal dapetin riset brand, kompetitor, industry, campaign recommendation, hingga digital insight yang ngebantu sales brand kamu meningkat


Strategic Planning

Insight dari riset yang didapet, kita akan buatin brand kamu strategi dengan KPI yang relevan dan terukur. 



Timeline yang on time, dan report perminggunya selama campaign berjalan.



Garansi ROI, jika 4 step sebelumnya gagal kita eksekusi

Kenapa Harus Bithour Production?

Telah menjadwalkan meeting dengan Bithour Jadwalkan sesi konsultasi gratismu segera!

Tersisa 2 slot minggu ini!

Lawrence Tope

Marketing Director, AdTiger

The Indian ecom market is valued at $54 billion and counting. In this masterclass, you’ll learn exactly how to tap in and take a slice of the pie. Lawrence Tope and Vipul Garg will unveil their battle-tested 5-step strategy, which has helped them scale multiple brands in diverse niches (from health and wellness to fashion accessories) from 0 to $200,000/month with COD. You’ll learn how to test and validate winning products, build seamless checkout flows, boost your confirmation rates, and improve delivery success. You’ll find out the best way to leverage the absence of TikTok in India, allowing for easy creative testing on Meta. As a bonus, you’ll walk away with a checklist, a selling price calculator, and a breakeven ROAS + CPA calculator. Don’t miss this chance to become a key player in India’s ecommerce revolution.

Tentang Lawrence:

Lawrence Tope is the Marketing Director at AdTiger (HKEX listed company), that has a developed technology platform (AdTensor) making ad creatives more efficient, reducing costs, increasing acquisitions and ROI.

Vipul Garg

Co-Founder & CEO, vFulfill

The Indian ecom market is valued at $54 billion and counting. In this masterclass, you’ll learn exactly how to tap in and take a slice of the pie. Lawrence Tope and Vipul Garg will unveil their battle-tested 5-step strategy, which has helped them scale multiple brands in diverse niches (from health and wellness to fashion accessories) from 0 to $200,000/month with COD. You’ll learn how to test and validate winning products, build seamless checkout flows, boost your confirmation rates, and improve delivery success. You’ll find out the best way to leverage the absence of TikTok in India, allowing for easy creative testing on Meta. As a bonus, you’ll walk away with a checklist, a selling price calculator, and a breakeven ROAS + CPA calculator. Don’t miss this chance to become a key player in India’s ecommerce revolution.

Tentang Vipul:

Vipul is an internet entrepreneur who's previously built a US$7-figure software company and is currently building an ecom powerhouse, vFulfill, for Indian ecommerce+ and enables ecom entrepreneurs worldwide to launch a profitable & scalable eCom business in India.

Jess Vassallo

Chief Growth Officer, Mindvalley

If you play your marketing cards right, you can cash in big during the holidays. Jess Vassallo, a world-class email marketer, will let you swipe her 6 signature revenue-driving automations that have proven to pull in $100K/ month. You’ll find out why ads aren’t enough and how to get sales via email instead. Jess will walk you through her BFCM launch and engagement sequence that will maximize your Q4 earnings thanks to personalization, early access perks, and targeted customer communication. You’ll get the secret sauce for turning holiday shoppers into year-round spenders and get simple upsell strategies to implement right away. Finally, you’ll get an insider look at exclusive million-dollar case studies from the fashion, beauty, and wellness industry. Grab a seat to Jess’ masterclass and get ready for a record-breaking BFCM!

Tentang Jess:

Jess Vassallo is the founder and CEO of Evocative Media, an ecommerce growth marketing agency based in Sydney, Australia. Specializing in cross-channel digital marketing, Jess and her team of a-players have successfully generated more than $250 million in tracked revenue for their DTC clients through email and SMS marketing, paid social, and paid search. Since 2014, Jess has been pioneering positive change in digital marketing by focusing on holistic, data-led strategies and advocating for more transparency in the industry.

Marisha Lakhiani

Chief Growth Officer, Mindvalley

Essential for VSL campaigners, Marisha Lakhiani’s masterclass is unmissable. As the driving force behind Mindvalley’s marketing triumphs, Marisha reveals her 5-simple-test strategy that has boosted VSL revenues tenfold. Discover her best pricing tactics to lift VPC by over 40%, learn which sales page elements can boost conversions by 30%, and find out how her unique hooks and creatives have enhanced ROAS by 30%. Marisha will also share counter-intuitive tips and tricks, all proven to significantly improve ROAS and conversion rates. Get ready for a session packed with actionable insights from a top-tier marketing expert.

Tentang Marisha:

Marisha Lakhiani is a marketing maven with an exceptional track record of transforming businesses and driving exponential growth. With a unique blend of art, science, and technology, she has mastered the art of crafting cutting-edge marketing solutions that deliver outstanding results on autopilot. She currently serves as the Chief Growth Officer at Mindvalley and is the driving force behind a staggering $150 million in revenue.

Roman Khan

Founder, Peak 21.io

Grab a front-row seat to find out how this modest electronics DTC brand went from $100 in sales per day to $200M revenue in under 2 years. Roman Khan will take you behind the scenes of Raycon, teaching you how to pick the right product and create a cohesive marketing strategy around it. You’ll see what Raycon did in each year of its growth – from landing pages and ad creatives (year 1) to influencer marketing (year 2) and YouTube (year 3) – he’s revealing the entire framework. Join Roman live and learn how you can adapt his proven strategies to grow your ecom business.

Tentang Roman:

Roman buys & operates the leading DTC brands of tomorrow—Grew Raycon, Linjer, Nutrition Kitchen, and other brands to 9-figures without any external funding.
