
Welcome to Bithour Comunity!

Bithour, Production House dengan jasa jasa video production jasa video promosi produk
Bithour Production. Our expertise jasa pembuatan video iklan produk jasa bikin produk
Bithour Production. Kami membantu membuat video iklan yang story-selling dan convert ke penjualan
Bithour, Production House dengan jasa jasa video production jasa video promosi produk

Bithour community adalah tempat berkumpulnya para Marketing Manager, Business Owner, Marketing Communication and various job position untuk saling networking, sharing inisght, dan dapetin fresh idea yang bisa jadi inspirasi strategi marketing kamu

Our Member’s

Apa Saja Keuntungan Gabung
Bithour Community?

Yang pasti banyak banget! Selain networking kamu bakalan dapet info all trend terbaru, jadi tempat nongkrong, online forum, dan wadah sharing insight sesama member dengan job position sama yang terdiri dari beragam suku, budaya yang berbeda.

Siapa Yang Bisa Bergabung?

Bithour Community?

BA Rocket.webp

ini Cocok Untuk:

BA Rocket.webp

Apa Saja Yang Didapatkan?

Keuntungan yang kamu dapet dari sesi konsultasi mulai dari Brand research, industry research, market research, campaign recommendation, campaign strategic planning, hingga free ideation untuk campaign kamu.

Kami memiliki prosedur operasional yang cepat dalam merespon, cepat dalam perijinan dokumen, cepat di approve team marketing kamu, hingga fleksibilitas dalam pembayaran. Sehingga campaign video iklan kamu akan lebih efisien dan sesuai objective.

Dari 100+ bluechip campaign dan industry yang sudah dijalankan tidak mengurangi performa Bithour dalam merespon client. Sebaliknya kami memiliki birokrasi yang cepat dalam mengurus perijinan terkait nda dan dokumen lainnya. Bukan cuma itu kamu juga akan mendapatkan talent, team produksi, hingga strategi promosi agar campaign video iklan kamu berhasil.

Bithour akan memberikan riset pasar, industry sampai competitor secara detail untuk menemukan peluang, memudahkan dalam penyampaian brand massage dan menghindari kesalahan mahal yang akan merugikan brand kamu.

Selain storyboard gratis yang kamu dapetin, kamu juga dapet keuntungan revisi tanpa batas dan gratis. Ini memudahkan kamu untuk mengoptimalkan pesan yang ingin disampaikan tanpa perlu khawatir akan over spent.

Intip Anggota dari
Bithour Brand Community Yuk!

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Frequently Asked Questions

TVC adalah kependekan dari “Television Commercial” yang dalam bahasa Indonesia dapat diartikan sebagai iklan televisi. TVC adalah bentuk iklan yang dibuat khusus untuk ditayangkan di media televisi. Iklan televisi ini biasanya memiliki durasi singkat dan menggunakan format audio dan visual untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada audience. TVC sering digunakan oleh perusahaan dan brand untuk mempromosikan produk, layanan, atau kampanye mereka kepada pemirsa televisi.

Bithour Production adalah digital agency dan production house yang berfokus pada bagaimana brand anda menghasilkan lebih banyak revenue melalui penceritaan visual, iklan dan desain yang menarik hati audience.

TVC yang kami hasilkan bukan hanya berfokus kepada estetika dan cerita yang menarik, tapi kami juga berfokus untuk menjadikan TVC kamu menjadi lead generator machine yang akan mendatangkan sales ke brand kamu.

TVC tepat digunakan oleh setiap perusahaan dan brand dari berbagai industry, yang ingin meningkatkan brand awareness, mencapai audience yang lebih luas dan meningkatkan penjualan. Mulai dari FMCG, Ritel, Pariwisata, hingga hospitality. TVC juga dapat digunakan oleh beragam skala bisnis seperti Startup hingga bisnis berskala besar. TVC telah menjadi salah satu strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan banyak perusahaan dan brand dalam menghadapi persaingan di era digital.

Durasi pembuatan TVC dapat bervariasi tergantung pada objective campaign. Dalam kasus beberapa client kami memakan waktu sekitar 2-4 minggu, tetapi ini dapat berbeda tergantung pada kebutuhan dan timeline campaign kamu. Kami selalu berkomitmen untuk memberikan hasil yang berkualitas dan tepat waktu, sehingga kamu dapat yakin bahwa kami akan bekerja secara efisien dan profesional dalam menghasilkan TVC yang memenuhi harapan.

Telah menjadwalkan meeting dengan Bithour Jadwalkan sesi konsultasi gratismu segera!

Tersisa 2 slot minggu ini!

Lawrence Tope

Marketing Director, AdTiger

The Indian ecom market is valued at $54 billion and counting. In this masterclass, you’ll learn exactly how to tap in and take a slice of the pie. Lawrence Tope and Vipul Garg will unveil their battle-tested 5-step strategy, which has helped them scale multiple brands in diverse niches (from health and wellness to fashion accessories) from 0 to $200,000/month with COD. You’ll learn how to test and validate winning products, build seamless checkout flows, boost your confirmation rates, and improve delivery success. You’ll find out the best way to leverage the absence of TikTok in India, allowing for easy creative testing on Meta. As a bonus, you’ll walk away with a checklist, a selling price calculator, and a breakeven ROAS + CPA calculator. Don’t miss this chance to become a key player in India’s ecommerce revolution.

Tentang Lawrence:

Lawrence Tope is the Marketing Director at AdTiger (HKEX listed company), that has a developed technology platform (AdTensor) making ad creatives more efficient, reducing costs, increasing acquisitions and ROI.

Vipul Garg

Co-Founder & CEO, vFulfill

The Indian ecom market is valued at $54 billion and counting. In this masterclass, you’ll learn exactly how to tap in and take a slice of the pie. Lawrence Tope and Vipul Garg will unveil their battle-tested 5-step strategy, which has helped them scale multiple brands in diverse niches (from health and wellness to fashion accessories) from 0 to $200,000/month with COD. You’ll learn how to test and validate winning products, build seamless checkout flows, boost your confirmation rates, and improve delivery success. You’ll find out the best way to leverage the absence of TikTok in India, allowing for easy creative testing on Meta. As a bonus, you’ll walk away with a checklist, a selling price calculator, and a breakeven ROAS + CPA calculator. Don’t miss this chance to become a key player in India’s ecommerce revolution.

Tentang Vipul:

Vipul is an internet entrepreneur who's previously built a US$7-figure software company and is currently building an ecom powerhouse, vFulfill, for Indian ecommerce+ and enables ecom entrepreneurs worldwide to launch a profitable & scalable eCom business in India.

Jess Vassallo

Chief Growth Officer, Mindvalley

If you play your marketing cards right, you can cash in big during the holidays. Jess Vassallo, a world-class email marketer, will let you swipe her 6 signature revenue-driving automations that have proven to pull in $100K/ month. You’ll find out why ads aren’t enough and how to get sales via email instead. Jess will walk you through her BFCM launch and engagement sequence that will maximize your Q4 earnings thanks to personalization, early access perks, and targeted customer communication. You’ll get the secret sauce for turning holiday shoppers into year-round spenders and get simple upsell strategies to implement right away. Finally, you’ll get an insider look at exclusive million-dollar case studies from the fashion, beauty, and wellness industry. Grab a seat to Jess’ masterclass and get ready for a record-breaking BFCM!

Tentang Jess:

Jess Vassallo is the founder and CEO of Evocative Media, an ecommerce growth marketing agency based in Sydney, Australia. Specializing in cross-channel digital marketing, Jess and her team of a-players have successfully generated more than $250 million in tracked revenue for their DTC clients through email and SMS marketing, paid social, and paid search. Since 2014, Jess has been pioneering positive change in digital marketing by focusing on holistic, data-led strategies and advocating for more transparency in the industry.

Marisha Lakhiani

Chief Growth Officer, Mindvalley

Essential for VSL campaigners, Marisha Lakhiani’s masterclass is unmissable. As the driving force behind Mindvalley’s marketing triumphs, Marisha reveals her 5-simple-test strategy that has boosted VSL revenues tenfold. Discover her best pricing tactics to lift VPC by over 40%, learn which sales page elements can boost conversions by 30%, and find out how her unique hooks and creatives have enhanced ROAS by 30%. Marisha will also share counter-intuitive tips and tricks, all proven to significantly improve ROAS and conversion rates. Get ready for a session packed with actionable insights from a top-tier marketing expert.

Tentang Marisha:

Marisha Lakhiani is a marketing maven with an exceptional track record of transforming businesses and driving exponential growth. With a unique blend of art, science, and technology, she has mastered the art of crafting cutting-edge marketing solutions that deliver outstanding results on autopilot. She currently serves as the Chief Growth Officer at Mindvalley and is the driving force behind a staggering $150 million in revenue.

Roman Khan

Founder, Peak 21.io

Grab a front-row seat to find out how this modest electronics DTC brand went from $100 in sales per day to $200M revenue in under 2 years. Roman Khan will take you behind the scenes of Raycon, teaching you how to pick the right product and create a cohesive marketing strategy around it. You’ll see what Raycon did in each year of its growth – from landing pages and ad creatives (year 1) to influencer marketing (year 2) and YouTube (year 3) – he’s revealing the entire framework. Join Roman live and learn how you can adapt his proven strategies to grow your ecom business.

Tentang Roman:

Roman buys & operates the leading DTC brands of tomorrow—Grew Raycon, Linjer, Nutrition Kitchen, and other brands to 9-figures without any external funding.
